Startup Name Check Blog about Small Businesses.

About Startup Name Check and myself

Hey, I'm Peter 👋 I was born thinking about making things. My childhood was filled with random, mostly non-functioning things I have built. Via the painful experience of "school" I became an electrical engineer. I discovered computers around the age of 12 and started building virtual stuff instead of physical stuff.

My desire to build things stayed strong and became an entrepreneur over time. I'm still very passioned about making stuff and the desire to share these project more. I've published open source packages and built lots of little application to make my life easier. Over time my desire to share these projects with others grew and I became an indie maker. You can read more about this journey and coding on my blog.

Startup Name Check was born out of a mix of desire to build something small, useful and neat, the idea to explore some new technologies (VueJS for the win!) and the pure frustraction when I researched names for my latest ideas. Regularly, I came up with a brillant name for a project that's being spoking around my mind and I ran to my laptop to check the typical domains, Twitter handle and Facebook Page etc. (depending on the project). Just to realize that one or multiple are taken. Worst case is when they are actually taken by a potential competitor. These moments were highly frustrating.


I'm just a human and make mistakes like everyone else. If you found a bug or got a false-positive result while checking a name please let me know so I can look into it.

The best ways to get in touch are Telegram and Twitter. If you want, you can also contact me via the contact form on my blog. I'm looking forward to hear from you :)